The Issues
Featured Issue
Decade-in-the-making epidemic of Homelessness
Hollywood has long been known as the entertainment capital of the world. But anyone who has driven through this storied community in recent years also knows it has been refuge for many homeless encampments. Public rights-of-way are overflowing with tents, trash, discarded furniture, and human waste with little being done to properly address the mental health and substance use of those experiencing homelessness.
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has a record of supporting efforts to address the decade-in-the-making epidemic of homelessness crisis that has been further exacerbated for the COVID-19 pandemic. The city and county need to build emergency shelter housing projects and provide needed social services to those facing homelessness. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is committed to finding common sense solutions which will find long term solutions to the Homeless crisis in Los Angeles.
The entire Hollywood community – businesses, residents, and those seeking shelter – must be supported by the Council to safely live and get back to work within our community.
In order to move forward and look towards economic recovery, smart solutions must be implemented to protect individuals experiencing homelessness and find them long term solutions, while also ensuring our communities can be properly cleaned to help promote economic development as businesses start to recover from the pandemic.
It is imperative that the homeless community and business community are properly supported through these trying times.

Here’s how you can take action
Submit a support request for someone in need
Fill out an LA-HOP request when you see an individual who may need supportive services from a trained outreach worker.
Visit the Hollywood 4WRD website
Hollywood 4WD is a non-profit in Hollywood Specializing in Homelessness Services to create systematic change.
Featured Issue
The Hollywood Community Plan Update
The mission of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is to advance a dynamic business climate and elevate the Hollywood experience for all. This includes finding solutions to our housing crisis, ensuring our homeless neighbors are provided with housing and services, increasing economic development, and creating opportunities for pedestrian oriented design that will serve all Hollywood stakeholders. Hollywood is an economic hub for our region and should be treated as a critical opportunity point as the City recovers in the next few years. The natural genesis of this community is growth, economic prosperity, and job creation. Necessary steps must be taken to build on the trajectory Hollywood was experiencing prior to the pandemic. Now more than ever our City needs jobs and economic enhancements.
Since the last Hollywood Community Plan update in 1988, Hollywood has expanded tremendously creating a need for more equitable housing opportunities, improved infrastructure, and additional support for the expanding entertainment industry. The Hollywood business community has been seeing an influx in jobs, development, and economic prosperity for years. Ensuring we have clear and agile land use regulations will secure the future of our economy in Hollywood as we look towards recovery.
To ensure the success and proper implementation of the Plan, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce urges the recognition and adoption of the changes/clarifications to the Plan and CPIO.

Here’s how you can take action
Attend a meeting
Check with LA City Planning to see when the next meeting is scheduled and stop in to show your support!
Featured Issue
Crime and Public Safety
The Chamber believes that a safe and inviting atmosphere for businesses, their employees, and clients/ customers, and their families is imperative to promoting and enhancing economic development in the Hollywood community.
The role and importance of LAPD in supporting the economic rebound of Hollywood cannot be understated. Hollywood has and always will be a significant economic generator for and global symbol of the City of Los Angeles. Recognizing its outsized role and the multi-dimensional needs of the neighborhood, then-LAPD Hollywood Division Captain Beatrice Girmala created the HED operational deployment in 2009. The HED added critical visitor safety crime suppression elements such as walking foot beats, bicycle patrols, homeless outreach, and nighttime patrols to Hollywood Division. These deployments enabled LAPD to proactively enforce the law with greater effectiveness and created a deeper connection with visitors, businesses, and residents in the area. Originally deployed at 40 officers and increased to 60 in 2013, the HED’s role in Hollywood’s renaissance is well known within the Hollywood community, making the recent cuts – in 2020 by 20 officers and in early 2021 by an additional 17 – deeply concerning.
It is critical now to recognize that public safety in Hollywood shapes the perception of Los Angeles, and to protect the image of our city and the safety of our neighborhood – funding must be allocated toward the reconstitution of the HED.

Here’s how you can take action
Contact the Hollywood police station
Learn about the Hollywood Station and the services they offer to the community.
Featured Issue
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee
For more than 97 years, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has provided leadership, business development resources, networking, and government affairs programs and services to keep the Hollywood business and residential communities safe, relevant and economically vital. At present, over 800 businesses, professionals and nonprofits are members of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which is ranked as the second largest chamber in the City and County.
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC) was established in 2010 to promote a vibrant business environment by endorsing candidates who support sound public policy that will strengthen the Hollywood business community as well as Greater Los Angeles.

Here’s how you can take action
Donate to the PAC
Make a difference and show your support by donating to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce PAC today!
Meet the candidates
Learn about the candidates endorsed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce PAC for the upcoming June 2022 election.
Action Alerts
In Partnership with
Hollywood, often cited as the heart of not just the entertainment industry but the City of Los Angeles itself, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce wants to bring together all stakeholders to strengthen the community and improve the Hollywood experience. In doing so, we hope this website provides the information and tools to assist anyone in the community to take action.
We have partnered with Kilroy Realty to bring this wonderful resource to the Hollywood Community.